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Hello Everyone

We hope you will love our ‘hand-picked’ properties as much as we do. We work with our clients to ensure that everything is provided to allow our guests to have the most enjoyable stay. We are local to the Lymington area and are always available to answer any questions our guests may have. We are also on hand should we need to pop in if there are any issues. We are very familiar with our surrounding areas and have a wealth of knowledge of the local attractions and places to eat and visit. We like to keep active in our local community and enjoy all that the New Forest has to offer. We hope you will have a wonderful stay with us!

We are also taking on new clients for property let management so please do not hesitate to get in touch!

James and Julia Harrison

Fast Facts


Years since business was launched.

as of May 28, 2024


Positive reviews from our guest.

as of May 28, 2024


Property listings

as of May 28, 2024


Earnings for a rental apartment.

as of May 28, 2024


Bookings made through our websites.

as of May 28, 2024


Clients who have enjoyed a holiday through us.

as of May 28, 2024


Times we've let down our guests or clients

as of May 28, 2024


Rentals revenue processed monthly.

as of May 28, 2024

Contact us anytime.
We are here.